Sunday, April 1, 2012

Showing Our Grit!

HOLY GUACAMOLE!!! Talk about two insanely crazy, but fun runs! All in the name of kicking cancer's butt. This last Tuesday, we had a track workout and it was pouring rain, but we got out there and did it. NO WIMPS! Read on and make sure to check out all of our photos below (click them to enlarge them).

Yesterday, we all ran at Lafayette Reservoir and it was only 48 degrees...might not seem "cold" for some of you, BUT when you add a major downpour and extreme wind, it's the "perfect storm." When you're soaked to the bone, can't feel your hands and can't see the direction you're running in, you find strength and spirit in knowing you are doing something greater than yourself. You are running for those who can't. You are running to help find cures for cancer. You are running in honor of your team honorees and personal honorees. We do a shout out and a moment of silence for all honorees past and present before every run. I (Lisa) always shout out Tony B. (who is now in remission and why we started this journey), Steve M. (who was recently diagnosed), Josh (in memory of the individual in whom our team is named for), David B. (one of the most determined individuals I know) and our other team honorees. We're not asking you to get out there and run, hey we'll do it for you, but if you find any inspiration in our posts, feel free to donate at Thank you. Enjoy the photos!

Drenched, but still smiling at track!

The calm before the storm at Lafayette Reservoir.

Another pre-storm photo...This is the crazy hat crew!

All those "spots?" It's rain and Trav and crew are still smiling!

Yes I ran in my panda hat and my friend ran in his Elvis wig. We are trying not to get blown away here! 

Note the mud! My H-D jacket did come in handy post run at least!

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