My fellow peeps, Ernie and Nikki drove up for this race with me the night before and we enjoyed a delicious carbo load pasta feed. Lasagna is my friend! Congratulations to them for braving the elements as well as our TNT peep David R. My running buddy Charlene unfortunately had to drop out of this race due to back injuries, so she was one of the people who I ran for. Love you Char!
The things that go through your head when you're running by yourself I tell ya...I managed to find a great cadence to have in my head (the beat to a No Doubt song); among other things going through my head included, but weren't limited to: "I'm going to kick CIM's @SS," "Just Keep Swimming," "It's GU Time" and "I'm Alert, I'm Alive, I Feel Great." I couldn't wait to see that mile 20 marker and started to do the "it's only a 10K" countdown, then 5K and then, "Travis will be waiting for me soon" and he was! Right around mile 26 towards the homestretch, he shouted for me, I acknowledged him and he said, "dig, dig, dig!" A couple weeks ago, I told myself if I could beat my Nike Women's Marathon time, I'd be happy (which would be to beat 5 hours), then after the Santa Barbara Half/20-miler, I thought, geez a 4:50 would be good, then shortly after that- just shy of a 4:45 would rock, but ultimately, I'm going to do the damn thing. I FINISHED CIM IN A 4:37 and some odd change! I'm still on a runner's high and feel great. To celebrate, I had a Nation's cheeseburger and fries. LOL
To those wondering if CIM is an easy course (Folsom to Sacramento), don't let the "net down" fool you. Aside from the insane weather, there were plenty of rolling hills.* :)
This a photo I found online that someone took of runners during the race. CRAY!
I snagged this off the photographer's website. Thanks Sport Photo. Yes, for the first time ever I wore a garbage bag while running. I didn't take it off until about mile 24 when the rain had finally stopped and the sun was peaking out. One of the best accessories of the day!
All done and holding the bling to prove it! This photo sure is deceiving, as it was NOT sunny during the race. LOL
*I wore my angel necklace that my dear friend Roxanne had given me earlier this year (it is a keepsake that Roxanne had in memory of her mom Marian) to watch over me. I actually have worn it at almost every race since she gave it to me. Thank you Roxanne.
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